Tuesday, August 24, 2010

I took a little blog break

I have certain blogs I like to check out and I hate when they go on vacation, or don't post for a while. My apologies for the lack of posts. My family took a much needed break to vacation in San Antonio. We took the kids to Sea World and had a wonderful time. I bet you are thinking I am going to post some pictures from the vacation, right? I forgot my camera. All I had was my new point and shoot, which was almost like not having a camera for me. I was really upset at first, but then I realized I was not stressing about trying to get a great shot. I was just genuinely enjoying my kids and being in the moment. I think there is a lot to be said for that. I now see the blessing! I hope you all enjoyed your summer and, of course, I cannot do a post without pictures. Here are some recent photos that totally capture the essence of my children. They always have their eyes wide open and are looking at the world around them. My son can spot airplanes in the sky like no one else. My daughter is always in amazement at the flowers and trees around. Life is beautiful, my friends!

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