Sunday, October 24, 2010

Dream Big

I am editing away on other sessions, but wanted to post these pictures I took a few weekends ago. This is my little princess. She is growing up and dreaming big. She told me the other day that using your imagination is thinking inside your forehead. I thought that was a great way to explain it!

My hope as a parent is to teach her the dream big. She has such a great imagination and I hope that as she gets older she keeps using it. My mom taught me to dream big and I am still challenged by all the things she does so well. I think some of the things I have learned from my mom are: try anything, wait for the breakthrough and pray about it. The last one being the easiest, but easy to overlook! Photography was one of those things that I started with casually. I soon discovered I had a good eye and then I kept on trying. I still have so much to learn. I am constantly challenged by others who seem to be more creative. I also pray for creativity. It isn't something that is natural for me.

I hope you enjoy these photos of my princess. I believe some of them personify that dreamer in her!

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