Thursday, March 17, 2011

Cultivating Confidence-Linda's story

My name is Linda Morrison and I am a Christ-follower, a Wife, and a Mom.

I am confident.

I haven’t always been confident, though.

I used to be dependent on myself and I thought my ability to be confident for any period of time was made possible by events, other people, successes, and my own abilities. Because I misunderstood where confidence comes from, I was on a roller-coaster of self-worth.

Throughout my 20’s, my self-worth was low and my confidence relied solely on who or what people told me I was. I spent the early part of my 20’s working hard for the next job promotion and searching for a husband. My hard work paid off, though. I received promotion after promotion and even got married. After I was married and had the title I wanted at work, I thought I had it all.

I thought I had it all, but for only a little while. For three years I was failing at both the job and the marriage, until both ended. I was devastated and let my failures define me. My confidence and self-worth were at an all-time low and I didn’t know where to turn. I once again turned to my own abilities and relied on what others thought of me to define who I was. I worked more and more hours and spent my free time dating without discretion.

In my late 20’s, I was led by a single friend to Fellowship Church that had a very robust singles ministry. I know now that this change in direction for me was fully orchestrated by God. I attended church regularly, but didn’t think I was worthy because of my divorce. I soon learned about God’s true and real forgiveness for those who believe in Jesus Christ and his death on the cross. I knew the only way I could get off the roller coaster of low confidence and low self-worth was to call out to Jesus. That is just what I did on March 11, 2001.

I gave my life to Jesus, and through studying God’s word I learned where true confidence and self-worth comes from. They come from God. They come from God’s abilities in our lives and not our own abilities. Lasting and reliable confidence is available to all of us who have accepted Jesus Christ as our Savior. All we have to do is rely on a constant and never-changing God, instead of ourselves or other people.

So, 10 years after I accepted Christ and began studying God’s word regularly, I am married to a wonderful man, I have two beautiful children, and a fulfilling career. The best part of my life is not what I have, but whose I am. I am confident in an all-powerful and all-loving God.

For anyone struggling with lack of confidence, consider where you are trying to get it from. Godly confidence comes from taking the focus off our own strengths and placing our focus on His strength. We can’t, but He can!

1 comment:

  1. I love these confidence posts and beautiful pics to go with them!! Jacqueline you need to FOLLOW my blog please!!! Your work is a on it!
